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2021-04-16 06:19:01 +00:00
// Copyright Toru Niina 2017.
// Distributed under the MIT License.
#ifndef TOML11_LEXER_HPP
#define TOML11_LEXER_HPP
#include <istream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <fstream>
#include "combinator.hpp"
namespace toml
namespace detail
// these scans contents from current location in a container of char
// and extract a region that matches their own pattern.
// to see the implementation of each component, see combinator.hpp.
using lex_wschar = either<character<' '>, character<'\t'>>;
using lex_ws = repeat<lex_wschar, at_least<1>>;
using lex_newline = either<character<'\n'>,
sequence<character<'\r'>, character<'\n'>>>;
using lex_lower = in_range<'a', 'z'>;
using lex_upper = in_range<'A', 'Z'>;
using lex_alpha = either<lex_lower, lex_upper>;
using lex_digit = in_range<'0', '9'>;
using lex_nonzero = in_range<'1', '9'>;
using lex_oct_dig = in_range<'0', '7'>;
using lex_bin_dig = in_range<'0', '1'>;
using lex_hex_dig = either<lex_digit, in_range<'A', 'F'>, in_range<'a', 'f'>>;
using lex_hex_prefix = sequence<character<'0'>, character<'x'>>;
using lex_oct_prefix = sequence<character<'0'>, character<'o'>>;
using lex_bin_prefix = sequence<character<'0'>, character<'b'>>;
using lex_underscore = character<'_'>;
using lex_plus = character<'+'>;
using lex_minus = character<'-'>;
using lex_sign = either<lex_plus, lex_minus>;
// digit | nonzero 1*(digit | _ digit)
using lex_unsigned_dec_int = either<sequence<lex_nonzero, repeat<
either<lex_digit, sequence<lex_underscore, lex_digit>>, at_least<1>>>,
// (+|-)? unsigned_dec_int
using lex_dec_int = sequence<maybe<lex_sign>, lex_unsigned_dec_int>;
// hex_prefix hex_dig *(hex_dig | _ hex_dig)
using lex_hex_int = sequence<lex_hex_prefix, sequence<lex_hex_dig, repeat<
either<lex_hex_dig, sequence<lex_underscore, lex_hex_dig>>, unlimited>>>;
// oct_prefix oct_dig *(oct_dig | _ oct_dig)
using lex_oct_int = sequence<lex_oct_prefix, sequence<lex_oct_dig, repeat<
either<lex_oct_dig, sequence<lex_underscore, lex_oct_dig>>, unlimited>>>;
// bin_prefix bin_dig *(bin_dig | _ bin_dig)
using lex_bin_int = sequence<lex_bin_prefix, sequence<lex_bin_dig, repeat<
either<lex_bin_dig, sequence<lex_underscore, lex_bin_dig>>, unlimited>>>;
// (dec_int | hex_int | oct_int | bin_int)
using lex_integer = either<lex_bin_int, lex_oct_int, lex_hex_int, lex_dec_int>;
// ===========================================================================
using lex_inf = sequence<character<'i'>, character<'n'>, character<'f'>>;
using lex_nan = sequence<character<'n'>, character<'a'>, character<'n'>>;
using lex_special_float = sequence<maybe<lex_sign>, either<lex_inf, lex_nan>>;
using lex_zero_prefixable_int = sequence<lex_digit, repeat<either<lex_digit,
sequence<lex_underscore, lex_digit>>, unlimited>>;
using lex_fractional_part = sequence<character<'.'>, lex_zero_prefixable_int>;
using lex_exponent_part = sequence<either<character<'e'>, character<'E'>>,
maybe<lex_sign>, lex_zero_prefixable_int>;
using lex_float = either<lex_special_float,
sequence<lex_dec_int, either<lex_exponent_part,
sequence<lex_fractional_part, maybe<lex_exponent_part>>>>>;
// ===========================================================================
using lex_true = sequence<character<'t'>, character<'r'>,
character<'u'>, character<'e'>>;
using lex_false = sequence<character<'f'>, character<'a'>, character<'l'>,
character<'s'>, character<'e'>>;
using lex_boolean = either<lex_true, lex_false>;
// ===========================================================================
using lex_date_fullyear = repeat<lex_digit, exactly<4>>;
using lex_date_month = repeat<lex_digit, exactly<2>>;
using lex_date_mday = repeat<lex_digit, exactly<2>>;
using lex_time_delim = either<character<'T'>, character<'t'>, character<' '>>;
using lex_time_hour = repeat<lex_digit, exactly<2>>;
using lex_time_minute = repeat<lex_digit, exactly<2>>;
using lex_time_second = repeat<lex_digit, exactly<2>>;
using lex_time_secfrac = sequence<character<'.'>,
repeat<lex_digit, at_least<1>>>;
using lex_time_numoffset = sequence<either<character<'+'>, character<'-'>>,
sequence<lex_time_hour, character<':'>,
using lex_time_offset = either<character<'Z'>, character<'z'>,
using lex_partial_time = sequence<lex_time_hour, character<':'>,
lex_time_minute, character<':'>,
lex_time_second, maybe<lex_time_secfrac>>;
using lex_full_date = sequence<lex_date_fullyear, character<'-'>,
lex_date_month, character<'-'>,
using lex_full_time = sequence<lex_partial_time, lex_time_offset>;
using lex_offset_date_time = sequence<lex_full_date, lex_time_delim, lex_full_time>;
using lex_local_date_time = sequence<lex_full_date, lex_time_delim, lex_partial_time>;
using lex_local_date = lex_full_date;
using lex_local_time = lex_partial_time;
// ===========================================================================
using lex_quotation_mark = character<'"'>;
using lex_basic_unescaped = exclude<either<in_range<0x00, 0x08>, // 0x09 (tab)
in_range<0x0a, 0x1F>, // is allowed
character<0x22>, character<0x5C>,
using lex_escape = character<'\\'>;
using lex_escape_unicode_short = sequence<character<'u'>,
repeat<lex_hex_dig, exactly<4>>>;
using lex_escape_unicode_long = sequence<character<'U'>,
repeat<lex_hex_dig, exactly<8>>>;
using lex_escape_seq_char = either<character<'"'>, character<'\\'>,
character<'b'>, character<'f'>,
character<'n'>, character<'r'>,
using lex_escaped = sequence<lex_escape, lex_escape_seq_char>;
using lex_basic_char = either<lex_basic_unescaped, lex_escaped>;
using lex_basic_string = sequence<lex_quotation_mark,
repeat<lex_basic_char, unlimited>,
// After toml post-v0.5.0, it is explicitly clarified how quotes in ml-strings
// are allowed to be used.
// After this, the following strings are *explicitly* allowed.
// - One or two `"`s in a multi-line basic string is allowed wherever it is.
// - Three consecutive `"`s in a multi-line basic string is considered as a delimiter.
// - One or two `"`s can appear just before or after the delimiter.
// ```toml
// str4 = """Here are two quotation marks: "". Simple enough."""
// str5 = """Here are three quotation marks: ""\"."""
// str6 = """Here are fifteen quotation marks: ""\"""\"""\"""\"""\"."""
// str7 = """"This," she said, "is just a pointless statement.""""
// ```
// In the current implementation (v3.3.0), it is difficult to parse `str7` in
// the above example. It is difficult to recognize `"` at the end of string body
// collectly. It will be misunderstood as a `"""` delimiter and an additional,
// invalid `"`. Like this:
// ```console
// what(): [error] toml::parse_table: invalid line format
// --> hoge.toml
// |
// 13 | str7 = """"This," she said, "is just a pointless statement.""""
// | ^- expected newline, but got '"'.
// ```
// As a quick workaround for this problem, `lex_ml_basic_string_delim` was
// splitted into two, `lex_ml_basic_string_open` and `lex_ml_basic_string_close`.
// `lex_ml_basic_string_open` allows only `"""`. `_close` allows 3-5 `"`s.
// In parse_ml_basic_string() function, the trailing `"`s will be attached to
// the string body.
using lex_ml_basic_string_delim = repeat<lex_quotation_mark, exactly<3>>;
using lex_ml_basic_string_open = lex_ml_basic_string_delim;
using lex_ml_basic_string_close = sequence<
repeat<lex_quotation_mark, exactly<3>>,
maybe<lex_quotation_mark>, maybe<lex_quotation_mark>
using lex_ml_basic_unescaped = exclude<either<in_range<0x00, 0x08>, // 0x09
in_range<0x0a, 0x1F>, // is tab
character<0x5C>, // backslash
character<0x7F>, // DEL
using lex_ml_basic_escaped_newline = sequence<
lex_escape, maybe<lex_ws>, lex_newline,
repeat<either<lex_ws, lex_newline>, unlimited>>;
using lex_ml_basic_char = either<lex_ml_basic_unescaped, lex_escaped>;
using lex_ml_basic_body = repeat<either<lex_ml_basic_char, lex_newline,
using lex_ml_basic_string = sequence<lex_ml_basic_string_open,
using lex_literal_char = exclude<either<in_range<0x00, 0x08>,
in_range<0x10, 0x19>, character<0x27>>>;
using lex_apostrophe = character<'\''>;
using lex_literal_string = sequence<lex_apostrophe,
repeat<lex_literal_char, unlimited>,
// the same reason as above.
using lex_ml_literal_string_delim = repeat<lex_apostrophe, exactly<3>>;
using lex_ml_literal_string_open = lex_ml_literal_string_delim;
using lex_ml_literal_string_close = sequence<
repeat<lex_apostrophe, exactly<3>>,
maybe<lex_apostrophe>, maybe<lex_apostrophe>
using lex_ml_literal_char = exclude<either<in_range<0x00, 0x08>,
in_range<0x10, 0x1F>,
using lex_ml_literal_body = repeat<either<lex_ml_literal_char, lex_newline>,
using lex_ml_literal_string = sequence<lex_ml_literal_string_open,
using lex_string = either<lex_ml_basic_string, lex_basic_string,
lex_ml_literal_string, lex_literal_string>;
// ===========================================================================
using lex_comment_start_symbol = character<'#'>;
using lex_non_eol = either<character<'\t'>, exclude<in_range<0x00, 0x19>>>;
using lex_comment = sequence<lex_comment_start_symbol,
repeat<lex_non_eol, unlimited>>;
using lex_dot_sep = sequence<maybe<lex_ws>, character<'.'>, maybe<lex_ws>>;
using lex_unquoted_key = repeat<either<lex_alpha, lex_digit,
character<'-'>, character<'_'>>,
using lex_quoted_key = either<lex_basic_string, lex_literal_string>;
using lex_simple_key = either<lex_unquoted_key, lex_quoted_key>;
using lex_dotted_key = sequence<lex_simple_key,
repeat<sequence<lex_dot_sep, lex_simple_key>,
using lex_key = either<lex_dotted_key, lex_simple_key>;
using lex_keyval_sep = sequence<maybe<lex_ws>,
using lex_std_table_open = character<'['>;
using lex_std_table_close = character<']'>;
using lex_std_table = sequence<lex_std_table_open,
using lex_array_table_open = sequence<lex_std_table_open, lex_std_table_open>;
using lex_array_table_close = sequence<lex_std_table_close, lex_std_table_close>;
using lex_array_table = sequence<lex_array_table_open,
} // detail
} // toml
#endif // TOML_LEXER_HPP