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#pragma once
#include <QString>
#include <QMap>
#include <QVariant>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include "ResourceObserver.h"
#include "TypeMagic.h"
class ResourceHandler;
/** Frontend class for resources
* Usage:
* Resource::create("icon:noaccount")->applyTo(accountsAction);
* Resource::create("web:")->applyTo(imageLbl)->placeholder(Resource::create("icon:loading"));
* Memory management:
* Resource caches ResourcePtrs using weak pointers, so while a resource is still existing
* when a new resource is created the resources will be the same (including the same handler).
* ResourceObservers keep a shared pointer to the resource, as does the Resource itself to it's
* placeholder (if present). This means a resource stays valid while it's still used ("applied to" etc.)
* by something. When nothing uses it anymore it gets deleted.
* @note Always pass resource around using Resource::Ptr! Copy and move constructors are disabled for a reason.
class Resource : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Resource>
// only allow creation from Resource::create and disallow passing around non-pointers
explicit Resource(const QString &resource);
Resource(const Resource &) = delete;
Resource(Resource &&) = delete;
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<Resource>;
/// The returned pointer needs to be stored until either Resource::applyTo or Resource::then is called, or it is passed as
/// a placeholder to Resource::create itself.
static Ptr create(const QString &resource, Ptr placeholder = nullptr);
/// Use these functions to specify what should happen when e.g. the resource changes
Ptr applyTo(ResourceObserver *observer);
Ptr applyTo(QObject *target, const char *property = nullptr);
template<typename Func>
Ptr then(Func &&func)
// Arg will be the functions argument with references and cv-qualifiers (const, volatile) removed
using Arg = TypeMagic::CleanType<typename TypeMagic::Function<Func>::Argument>;
// Ret will be the functions return type
using Ret = typename TypeMagic::Function<Func>::ReturnType;
// FunctionResourceObserver<ReturnType, ArgumentType, FunctionSignature>
return applyTo(new FunctionResourceObserver<Ret, Arg, Func>(std::forward<Func>(func)));
/// Retrieve the currently active resource. If it's type is different from T a conversion will be attempted.
template<typename T>
T getResource() const { return getResourceInternal(qMetaTypeId<T>()).template value<T>(); }
/// @internal Used by ResourceObserver and ResourceProxyModel
QVariant getResourceInternal(const int typeId) const;
/** Register a new ResourceHandler. T needs to inherit from ResourceHandler
* Usage: Resource::registerHandler<MyResourceHandler>("myid");
template<typename T>
static void registerHandler(const QString &id)
m_handlers.insert(id, [](const QString &res) { return std::make_shared<T>(res); });
/** Register a new resource transformer
* Resource transformers are functions that are responsible for converting between different types,
* for example converting from a QByteArray to a QPixmap. They are registered "externally" because not
* all types might be available in this library, for example gui types like QPixmap.
* Usage: Resource::registerTransformer([](const InputType &type) { return OutputType(type); });
* This assumes that OutputType has a constructor that takes InputType as an argument. More
* complicated transformers can of course also be registered.
* When a ResourceObserver requests a type that's different from the actual resource type, a matching
* transformer will be looked up from the list of transformers.
* @note Only one-stage transforms will be performed (you can't registerTransformers for QString => int
* and int => float and expect QString to automatically be transformed into a float.
template<typename Func>
static void registerTransformer(Func &&func)
using Out = typename TypeMagic::Function<Func>::ReturnType;
using In = TypeMagic::CleanType<typename TypeMagic::Function<Func>::Argument>;
static_assert(!std::is_same<Out, In>::value, "It does not make sense to transform a value to itself");
m_transfomers.insert(qMakePair(qMetaTypeId<In>(), qMetaTypeId<Out>()), [func](const QVariant &in)
return QVariant::fromValue<Out>(func(in.value<In>()));
private: // half private, implementation details
friend class ResourceHandler;
// the following three functions are called by ResourceHandlers
/** Notifies the observers. They will call Resource::getResourceInternal which will call ResourceHandler::result
* or delegate to it's placeholder.
void reportResult();
void reportFailure(const QString &reason);
void reportProgress(const int progress);
friend class ResourceObserver;
/// Removes observer from the list of observers so that we don't attempt to notify something that doesn't exist
void notifyObserverDeleted(ResourceObserver *observer);
private: // truly private
QList<ResourceObserver *> m_observers;
std::shared_ptr<ResourceHandler> m_handler = nullptr;
Ptr m_placeholder = nullptr;
const QString m_resource;
static QString storageIdentifier(const QString &id, Ptr placeholder = nullptr);
QString storageIdentifier() const;
// a list of resource handler factories, registered using registerHandler
static QMap<QString, std::function<std::shared_ptr<ResourceHandler>(const QString &)>> m_handlers;
// a list of resource transformers, registered using registerTransformer
static QMap<QPair<int, int>, std::function<QVariant(QVariant)>> m_transfomers;
// a list of resources so that we can reuse them
static QMap<QString, std::weak_ptr<Resource>> m_resources;