#include "Application.h" #include "BuildConfig.h" #include "ui/MainWindow.h" #include "ui/InstanceWindow.h" #include "ui/instanceview/AccessibleInstanceView.h" #include "ui/pages/BasePageProvider.h" #include "ui/pages/global/LauncherPage.h" #include "ui/pages/global/MinecraftPage.h" #include "ui/pages/global/JavaPage.h" #include "ui/pages/global/LanguagePage.h" #include "ui/pages/global/ProxyPage.h" #include "ui/pages/global/ExternalToolsPage.h" #include "ui/pages/global/AccountListPage.h" #include "ui/pages/global/APIPage.h" #include "ui/pages/global/CustomCommandsPage.h" #include "ui/themes/ITheme.h" #include "ui/themes/SystemTheme.h" #include "ui/themes/DarkTheme.h" #include "ui/themes/BrightTheme.h" #include "ui/themes/CustomTheme.h" #include "ui/setupwizard/SetupWizard.h" #include "ui/setupwizard/LanguageWizardPage.h" #include "ui/setupwizard/JavaWizardPage.h" #include "ui/dialogs/CustomMessageBox.h" #include "ui/pagedialog/PageDialog.h" #include "ApplicationMessage.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "InstanceList.h" #include #include "icons/IconList.h" #include "net/HttpMetaCache.h" #include "java/JavaUtils.h" #include "tools/JProfiler.h" #include "tools/JVisualVM.h" #include "tools/MCEditTool.h" #include #include "settings/INISettingsObject.h" #include "settings/Setting.h" #include "translations/TranslationsModel.h" #include "meta/Index.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if defined Q_OS_WIN32 #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #include #include #endif #define STRINGIFY(x) #x #define TOSTRING(x) STRINGIFY(x) static const QLatin1String liveCheckFile("live.check"); using namespace Commandline; #define MACOS_HINT "If you are on macOS Sierra, you might have to move the app to your /Applications or ~/Applications folder. "\ "This usually fixes the problem and you can move the application elsewhere afterwards.\n"\ "\n" namespace { void appDebugOutput(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &context, const QString &msg) { const char *levels = "DWCFIS"; const QString format("%1 %2 %3\n"); qint64 msecstotal = APPLICATION->timeSinceStart(); qint64 seconds = msecstotal / 1000; qint64 msecs = msecstotal % 1000; QString foo; char buf[1025] = {0}; ::snprintf(buf, 1024, "%5lld.%03lld", seconds, msecs); QString out = format.arg(buf).arg(levels[type]).arg(msg); APPLICATION->logFile->write(out.toUtf8()); APPLICATION->logFile->flush(); QTextStream(stderr) << out.toLocal8Bit(); fflush(stderr); } } Application::Application(int &argc, char **argv) : QApplication(argc, argv) { #if defined Q_OS_WIN32 // attach the parent console if(AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS)) { // if attach succeeds, reopen and sync all the i/o if(freopen("CON", "w", stdout)) { std::cout.sync_with_stdio(); } if(freopen("CON", "w", stderr)) { std::cerr.sync_with_stdio(); } if(freopen("CON", "r", stdin)) { std::cin.sync_with_stdio(); } auto out = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); DWORD written; const char * endline = "\n"; WriteConsole(out, endline, strlen(endline), &written, NULL); consoleAttached = true; } #endif setOrganizationName(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_NAME); setOrganizationDomain(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_DOMAIN); setApplicationName(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_NAME); setApplicationDisplayName(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_DISPLAYNAME); setApplicationVersion(BuildConfig.printableVersionString()); #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5,7,0)) setDesktopFileName(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_DESKTOPFILENAME); #endif startTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX { QFile osrelease("/proc/sys/kernel/osrelease"); if (osrelease.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)) { QTextStream in(&osrelease); auto contents = in.readAll(); if( contents.contains("WSL", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || contents.contains("Microsoft", Qt::CaseInsensitive) ) { showFatalErrorMessage( "Unsupported system detected!", "Linux-on-Windows distributions are not supported.\n\n" "Please use the Windows binary when playing on Windows." ); return; } } } #endif // Don't quit on hiding the last window this->setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); // Commandline parsing QHash args; { Parser parser(FlagStyle::GNU, ArgumentStyle::SpaceAndEquals); // --help parser.addSwitch("help"); parser.addShortOpt("help", 'h'); parser.addDocumentation("help", "Display this help and exit."); // --version parser.addSwitch("version"); parser.addShortOpt("version", 'V'); parser.addDocumentation("version", "Display program version and exit."); // --dir parser.addOption("dir"); parser.addShortOpt("dir", 'd'); parser.addDocumentation("dir", "Use the supplied folder as application root instead of the binary location (use '.' for current)"); // --launch parser.addOption("launch"); parser.addShortOpt("launch", 'l'); parser.addDocumentation("launch", "Launch the specified instance (by instance ID)"); // --server parser.addOption("server"); parser.addShortOpt("server", 's'); parser.addDocumentation("server", "Join the specified server on launch (only valid in combination with --launch)"); // --profile parser.addOption("profile"); parser.addShortOpt("profile", 'a'); parser.addDocumentation("profile", "Use the account specified by its profile name (only valid in combination with --launch)"); // --alive parser.addSwitch("alive"); parser.addDocumentation("alive", "Write a small '" + liveCheckFile + "' file after the launcher starts"); // --import parser.addOption("import"); parser.addShortOpt("import", 'I'); parser.addDocumentation("import", "Import instance from specified zip (local path or URL)"); // parse the arguments try { args = parser.parse(arguments()); } catch (const ParsingError &e) { std::cerr << "CommandLineError: " << e.what() << std::endl; if(argc > 0) std::cerr << "Try '" << argv[0] << " -h' to get help on command line parameters." << std::endl; m_status = Application::Failed; return; } // display help and exit if (args["help"].toBool()) { std::cout << qPrintable(parser.compileHelp(arguments()[0])); m_status = Application::Succeeded; return; } // display version and exit if (args["version"].toBool()) { std::cout << "Version " << BuildConfig.printableVersionString().toStdString() << std::endl; std::cout << "Git " << BuildConfig.GIT_COMMIT.toStdString() << std::endl; m_status = Application::Succeeded; return; } } m_instanceIdToLaunch = args["launch"].toString(); m_serverToJoin = args["server"].toString(); m_profileToUse = args["profile"].toString(); m_liveCheck = args["alive"].toBool(); m_zipToImport = args["import"].toUrl(); // error if --launch is missing with --server or --profile if((!m_serverToJoin.isEmpty() || !m_profileToUse.isEmpty()) && m_instanceIdToLaunch.isEmpty()) { std::cerr << "--server and --profile can only be used in combination with --launch!" << std::endl; m_status = Application::Failed; return; } QString origcwdPath = QDir::currentPath(); QString binPath = applicationDirPath(); QString adjustedBy; QString dataPath; // change folder QString dirParam = args["dir"].toString(); if (!dirParam.isEmpty()) { // the dir param. it makes multimc data path point to whatever the user specified // on command line adjustedBy += "Command line " + dirParam; dataPath = dirParam; } else { #ifdef LAUNCHER_LINUX_DATADIR QString xdgDataHome = QFile::decodeName(qgetenv("XDG_DATA_HOME")); if (xdgDataHome.isEmpty()) xdgDataHome = QDir::homePath() + QLatin1String("/.local/share"); dataPath = xdgDataHome + "/sneedmc"; adjustedBy += "XDG standard " + dataPath; #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) QDir foo(FS::PathCombine(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation), "..")); dataPath = foo.absolutePath(); adjustedBy += "Fallback to special Mac location " + dataPath; #else dataPath = applicationDirPath(); adjustedBy += "Fallback to binary path " + dataPath; #endif } if (!FS::ensureFolderPathExists(dataPath)) { showFatalErrorMessage( "The launcher data folder could not be created.", QString( "The launcher data folder could not be created.\n" "\n" #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) MACOS_HINT #endif "Make sure you have the right permissions to the launcher data folder and any folder needed to access it.\n" "(%1)\n" "\n" "The launcher cannot continue until you fix this problem." ).arg(dataPath) ); return; } if (!QDir::setCurrent(dataPath)) { showFatalErrorMessage( "The launcher data folder could not be opened.", QString( "The launcher data folder could not be opened.\n" "\n" #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) MACOS_HINT #endif "Make sure you have the right permissions to the launcher data folder.\n" "(%1)\n" "\n" "The launcher cannot continue until you fix this problem." ).arg(dataPath) ); return; } #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) // move user data to new location if on macOS and it still exists in Contents/MacOS QDir fi(applicationDirPath()); QString originalData = fi.absolutePath(); // if the config file exists in Contents/MacOS, then user data is still there and needs to moved if (QFileInfo::exists(FS::PathCombine(originalData, BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_CONFIGFILE))) { if (!QFileInfo::exists(FS::PathCombine(originalData, "dontmovemacdata"))) { QMessageBox::StandardButton askMoveDialogue; askMoveDialogue = QMessageBox::question( nullptr, BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_DISPLAYNAME, "Would you like to move application data to a new data location? It will improve the launcher's performance, but if you switch to older versions it will look like instances have disappeared. If you select no, you can migrate later in settings. You should select yes unless you're commonly switching between different versions (eg. develop and stable).", QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes ); if (askMoveDialogue == QMessageBox::Yes) { qDebug() << "On macOS and found config file in old location, moving user data..."; QDir dir; QStringList dataFiles { "*.log", // Launcher log files: ${Launcher_Name}-@.log "accounts.json", "accounts", "assets", "cache", "icons", "instances", "libraries", "meta", "metacache", "mods", BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_CONFIGFILE, "themes", "translations" }; QDirIterator files(originalData, dataFiles); while (files.hasNext()) { QString filePath(files.next()); QString fileName(files.fileName()); if (!dir.rename(filePath, FS::PathCombine(dataPath, fileName))) { qWarning() << "Failed to move " << fileName; } } } else { dataPath = originalData; QDir::setCurrent(dataPath); QFile file(originalData + "/dontmovemacdata"); file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); } } else { dataPath = originalData; QDir::setCurrent(dataPath); } } #endif /* * Establish the mechanism for communication with an already running PolyMC that uses the same data path. * If there is one, tell it what the user actually wanted to do and exit. * We want to initialize this before logging to avoid messing with the log of a potential already running copy. */ auto appID = ApplicationId::fromPathAndVersion(QDir::currentPath(), BuildConfig.printableVersionString()); { // FIXME: you can run the same binaries with multiple data dirs and they won't clash. This could cause issues for updates. m_peerInstance = new LocalPeer(this, appID); connect(m_peerInstance, &LocalPeer::messageReceived, this, &Application::messageReceived); if(m_peerInstance->isClient()) { int timeout = 2000; if(m_instanceIdToLaunch.isEmpty()) { ApplicationMessage activate; activate.command = "activate"; m_peerInstance->sendMessage(activate.serialize(), timeout); if(!m_zipToImport.isEmpty()) { ApplicationMessage import; import.command = "import"; import.args.insert("path", m_zipToImport.toString()); m_peerInstance->sendMessage(import.serialize(), timeout); } } else { ApplicationMessage launch; launch.command = "launch"; launch.args["id"] = m_instanceIdToLaunch; if(!m_serverToJoin.isEmpty()) { launch.args["server"] = m_serverToJoin; } if(!m_profileToUse.isEmpty()) { launch.args["profile"] = m_profileToUse; } m_peerInstance->sendMessage(launch.serialize(), timeout); } m_status = Application::Succeeded; return; } } // init the logger { static const QString logBase = BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_NAME + "-%0.log"; auto moveFile = [](const QString &oldName, const QString &newName) { QFile::remove(newName); QFile::copy(oldName, newName); QFile::remove(oldName); }; moveFile(logBase.arg(3), logBase.arg(4)); moveFile(logBase.arg(2), logBase.arg(3)); moveFile(logBase.arg(1), logBase.arg(2)); moveFile(logBase.arg(0), logBase.arg(1)); logFile = std::unique_ptr(new QFile(logBase.arg(0))); if(!logFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate)) { showFatalErrorMessage( "The launcher data folder is not writable!", QString( "The launcher couldn't create a log file - the data folder is not writable.\n" "\n" #if defined(Q_OS_MAC) MACOS_HINT #endif "Make sure you have write permissions to the data folder.\n" "(%1)\n" "\n" "The launcher cannot continue until you fix this problem." ).arg(dataPath) ); return; } qInstallMessageHandler(appDebugOutput); qDebug() << "<> Log initialized."; } // Set up paths { // Root path is used for updates. #if defined(Q_OS_LINUX) || defined(Q_OS_FREEBSD) QDir foo(FS::PathCombine(binPath, "..")); m_rootPath = foo.absolutePath(); #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN32) m_rootPath = binPath; #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) QDir foo(FS::PathCombine(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation), "..")); m_rootPath = foo.absolutePath(); #endif #ifdef MULTIMC_JARS_LOCATION m_jarsPath = TOSTRING(MULTIMC_JARS_LOCATION); #endif qDebug() << BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_DISPLAYNAME << ", (c) 2013-2021 " << BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_COPYRIGHT; qDebug() << "Version : " << BuildConfig.printableVersionString(); qDebug() << "Git commit : " << BuildConfig.GIT_COMMIT; qDebug() << "Git refspec : " << BuildConfig.GIT_REFSPEC; if (adjustedBy.size()) { qDebug() << "Work dir before adjustment : " << origcwdPath; qDebug() << "Work dir after adjustment : " << QDir::currentPath(); qDebug() << "Adjusted by : " << adjustedBy; } else { qDebug() << "Work dir : " << QDir::currentPath(); } qDebug() << "Binary path : " << binPath; qDebug() << "Application root path : " << m_rootPath; if(!m_instanceIdToLaunch.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "ID of instance to launch : " << m_instanceIdToLaunch; } if(!m_serverToJoin.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "Address of server to join :" << m_serverToJoin; } qDebug() << "<> Paths set."; } if(m_liveCheck) { QFile check(liveCheckFile); if(check.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { auto payload = appID.toString().toUtf8(); if(check.write(payload) == payload.size()) { check.close(); } else { qWarning() << "Could not write into" << liveCheckFile << "!"; check.remove(); // also closes file! } } else { qWarning() << "Could not open" << liveCheckFile << "for writing!"; } } // Initialize application settings { m_settings.reset(new INISettingsObject(BuildConfig.LAUNCHER_CONFIGFILE, this)); // Theming m_settings->registerSetting("IconTheme", QString("pe_colored")); m_settings->registerSetting("ApplicationTheme", QString("system")); // Notifications m_settings->registerSetting("ShownNotifications", QString()); // Remembered state m_settings->registerSetting("LastUsedGroupForNewInstance", QString()); QString defaultMonospace; int defaultSize = 11; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 defaultMonospace = "Courier"; defaultSize = 10; #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) defaultMonospace = "Menlo"; #else defaultMonospace = "Monospace"; #endif // resolve the font so the default actually matches QFont consoleFont; consoleFont.setFamily(defaultMonospace); consoleFont.setStyleHint(QFont::Monospace); consoleFont.setFixedPitch(true); QFontInfo consoleFontInfo(consoleFont); QString resolvedDefaultMonospace = consoleFontInfo.family(); QFont resolvedFont(resolvedDefaultMonospace); qDebug() << "Detected default console font:" << resolvedDefaultMonospace << ", substitutions:" << resolvedFont.substitutions().join(','); m_settings->registerSetting("ConsoleFont", resolvedDefaultMonospace); m_settings->registerSetting("ConsoleFontSize", defaultSize); m_settings->registerSetting("ConsoleMaxLines", 100000); m_settings->registerSetting("ConsoleOverflowStop", true); // Folders m_settings->registerSetting("InstanceDir", "instances"); m_settings->registerSetting({"CentralModsDir", "ModsDir"}, "mods"); m_settings->registerSetting("IconsDir", "icons"); // Editors m_settings->registerSetting("JsonEditor", QString()); // Language m_settings->registerSetting("Language", QString()); // Console m_settings->registerSetting("ShowConsole", false); m_settings->registerSetting("AutoCloseConsole", false); m_settings->registerSetting("ShowConsoleOnError", true); m_settings->registerSetting("LogPrePostOutput", true); // Window Size m_settings->registerSetting({"LaunchMaximized", "MCWindowMaximize"}, false); m_settings->registerSetting({"MinecraftWinWidth", "MCWindowWidth"}, 854); m_settings->registerSetting({"MinecraftWinHeight", "MCWindowHeight"}, 480); // Proxy Settings m_settings->registerSetting("ProxyType", "None"); m_settings->registerSetting({"ProxyAddr", "ProxyHostName"}, ""); m_settings->registerSetting("ProxyPort", 8080); m_settings->registerSetting({"ProxyUser", "ProxyUsername"}, ""); m_settings->registerSetting({"ProxyPass", "ProxyPassword"}, ""); // Memory m_settings->registerSetting({"MinMemAlloc", "MinMemoryAlloc"}, 512); m_settings->registerSetting({"MaxMemAlloc", "MaxMemoryAlloc"}, 4096); m_settings->registerSetting("PermGen", 128); // Java Settings m_settings->registerSetting("JavaPath", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("JavaTimestamp", 0); m_settings->registerSetting("JavaArchitecture", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("JavaVersion", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("JavaVendor", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("LastHostname", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("JvmArgs", ""); // Native library workarounds m_settings->registerSetting("UseNativeOpenAL", false); m_settings->registerSetting("UseNativeGLFW", false); // Game time m_settings->registerSetting("ShowGameTime", true); m_settings->registerSetting("ShowGlobalGameTime", true); m_settings->registerSetting("RecordGameTime", true); // Minecraft launch method m_settings->registerSetting("MCLaunchMethod", "LauncherPart"); // Wrapper command for launch m_settings->registerSetting("WrapperCommand", ""); // Custom Commands m_settings->registerSetting({"PreLaunchCommand", "PreLaunchCmd"}, ""); m_settings->registerSetting({"PostExitCommand", "PostExitCmd"}, ""); // The cat m_settings->registerSetting("TheCat", false); m_settings->registerSetting("InstSortMode", "Name"); m_settings->registerSetting("SelectedInstance", QString()); // Window state and geometry m_settings->registerSetting("MainWindowState", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("MainWindowGeometry", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("ConsoleWindowState", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("ConsoleWindowGeometry", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("SettingsGeometry", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("PagedGeometry", ""); m_settings->registerSetting("NewInstanceGeometry", ""); // pastebin URL m_settings->registerSetting("PastebinURL", "https://0x0.st"); m_settings->registerSetting("CloseAfterLaunch", false); // Custom MSA credentials m_settings->registerSetting("MSAClientIDOverride", ""); // Init page provider { m_globalSettingsProvider = std::make_shared(tr("Settings")); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); m_globalSettingsProvider->addPage(); } qDebug() << "<> Settings loaded."; } #ifndef QT_NO_ACCESSIBILITY QAccessible::installFactory(groupViewAccessibleFactory); #endif /* !QT_NO_ACCESSIBILITY */ // initialize network access and proxy setup { m_network = new QNetworkAccessManager(); QString proxyTypeStr = settings()->get("ProxyType").toString(); QString addr = settings()->get("ProxyAddr").toString(); int port = settings()->get("ProxyPort").value(); QString user = settings()->get("ProxyUser").toString(); QString pass = settings()->get("ProxyPass").toString(); updateProxySettings(proxyTypeStr, addr, port, user, pass); qDebug() << "<> Network done."; } // load translations { m_translations.reset(new TranslationsModel("translations")); auto bcp47Name = m_settings->get("Language").toString(); m_translations->selectLanguage(bcp47Name); qDebug() << "Your language is" << bcp47Name; qDebug() << "<> Translations loaded."; } // Instance icons { auto setting = APPLICATION->settings()->getSetting("IconsDir"); QStringList instFolders = { ":/icons/multimc/32x32/instances/", ":/icons/multimc/50x50/instances/", ":/icons/multimc/128x128/instances/", ":/icons/multimc/scalable/instances/" }; m_icons.reset(new IconList(instFolders, setting->get().toString())); connect(setting.get(), &Setting::SettingChanged,[&](const Setting &, QVariant value) { m_icons->directoryChanged(value.toString()); }); qDebug() << "<> Instance icons intialized."; } // Icon themes { // TODO: icon themes and instance icons do not mesh well together. Rearrange and fix discrepancies! // set icon theme search path! auto searchPaths = QIcon::themeSearchPaths(); searchPaths.append("iconthemes"); QIcon::setThemeSearchPaths(searchPaths); qDebug() << "<> Icon themes initialized."; } // Initialize widget themes { auto insertTheme = [this](ITheme * theme) { m_themes.insert(std::make_pair(theme->id(), std::unique_ptr(theme))); }; auto darkTheme = new DarkTheme(); insertTheme(new SystemTheme()); insertTheme(darkTheme); insertTheme(new BrightTheme()); insertTheme(new CustomTheme(darkTheme, "custom")); qDebug() << "<> Widget themes initialized."; } // initialize and load all instances { auto InstDirSetting = m_settings->getSetting("InstanceDir"); // instance path: check for problems with '!' in instance path and warn the user in the log // and remember that we have to show him a dialog when the gui starts (if it does so) QString instDir = InstDirSetting->get().toString(); qDebug() << "Instance path : " << instDir; if (FS::checkProblemticPathJava(QDir(instDir))) { qWarning() << "Your instance path contains \'!\' and this is known to cause java problems!"; } m_instances.reset(new InstanceList(m_settings, instDir, this)); connect(InstDirSetting.get(), &Setting::SettingChanged, m_instances.get(), &InstanceList::on_InstFolderChanged); qDebug() << "Loading Instances..."; m_instances->loadList(); qDebug() << "<> Instances loaded."; } // and accounts { m_accounts.reset(new AccountList(this)); qDebug() << "Loading accounts..."; m_accounts->setListFilePath("accounts.json", true); m_accounts->loadList(); m_accounts->fillQueue(); qDebug() << "<> Accounts loaded."; } // init the http meta cache { m_metacache.reset(new HttpMetaCache("metacache")); m_metacache->addBase("asset_indexes", QDir("assets/indexes").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("asset_objects", QDir("assets/objects").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("versions", QDir("versions").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("libraries", QDir("libraries").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("minecraftforge", QDir("mods/minecraftforge").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("fmllibs", QDir("mods/minecraftforge/libs").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("liteloader", QDir("mods/liteloader").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("general", QDir("cache").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("ATLauncherPacks", QDir("cache/ATLauncherPacks").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("FTBPacks", QDir("cache/FTBPacks").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("ModpacksCHPacks", QDir("cache/ModpacksCHPacks").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("TechnicPacks", QDir("cache/TechnicPacks").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("FlamePacks", QDir("cache/FlamePacks").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("root", QDir::currentPath()); m_metacache->addBase("translations", QDir("translations").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("icons", QDir("cache/icons").absolutePath()); m_metacache->addBase("meta", QDir("meta").absolutePath()); m_metacache->Load(); qDebug() << "<> Cache initialized."; } // now we have network, download translation updates m_translations->downloadIndex(); //FIXME: what to do with these? m_profilers.insert("jprofiler", std::shared_ptr(new JProfilerFactory())); m_profilers.insert("jvisualvm", std::shared_ptr(new JVisualVMFactory())); for (auto profiler : m_profilers.values()) { profiler->registerSettings(m_settings); } // Create the MCEdit thing... why is this here? { m_mcedit.reset(new MCEditTool(m_settings)); } connect(this, &Application::aboutToQuit, [this](){ if(m_instances) { // save any remaining instance state m_instances->saveNow(); } if(logFile) { logFile->flush(); logFile->close(); } }); { setIconTheme(settings()->get("IconTheme").toString()); qDebug() << "<> Icon theme set."; setApplicationTheme(settings()->get("ApplicationTheme").toString(), true); qDebug() << "<> Application theme set."; } if(createSetupWizard()) { return; } performMainStartupAction(); } bool Application::createSetupWizard() { bool javaRequired = [&]() { QString currentHostName = QHostInfo::localHostName(); QString oldHostName = settings()->get("LastHostname").toString(); if (currentHostName != oldHostName) { settings()->set("LastHostname", currentHostName); return true; } QString currentJavaPath = settings()->get("JavaPath").toString(); QString actualPath = FS::ResolveExecutable(currentJavaPath); if (actualPath.isNull()) { return true; } return false; }(); bool languageRequired = [&]() { if (settings()->get("Language").toString().isEmpty()) return true; return false; }(); bool wizardRequired = javaRequired || languageRequired; if(wizardRequired) { m_setupWizard = new SetupWizard(nullptr); if (languageRequired) { m_setupWizard->addPage(new LanguageWizardPage(m_setupWizard)); } if (javaRequired) { m_setupWizard->addPage(new JavaWizardPage(m_setupWizard)); } connect(m_setupWizard, &QDialog::finished, this, &Application::setupWizardFinished); m_setupWizard->show(); return true; } return false; } void Application::setupWizardFinished(int status) { qDebug() << "Wizard result =" << status; performMainStartupAction(); } void Application::performMainStartupAction() { m_status = Application::Initialized; if(!m_instanceIdToLaunch.isEmpty()) { auto inst = instances()->getInstanceById(m_instanceIdToLaunch); if(inst) { MinecraftServerTargetPtr serverToJoin = nullptr; MinecraftAccountPtr accountToUse = nullptr; qDebug() << "<> Instance" << m_instanceIdToLaunch << "launching"; if(!m_serverToJoin.isEmpty()) { // FIXME: validate the server string serverToJoin.reset(new MinecraftServerTarget(MinecraftServerTarget::parse(m_serverToJoin))); qDebug() << " Launching with server" << m_serverToJoin; } if(!m_profileToUse.isEmpty()) { accountToUse = accounts()->getAccountByProfileName(m_profileToUse); if(!accountToUse) { return; } qDebug() << " Launching with account" << m_profileToUse; } launch(inst, true, nullptr, serverToJoin, accountToUse); return; } } if(!m_mainWindow) { // normal main window showMainWindow(false); qDebug() << "<> Main window shown."; } if(!m_zipToImport.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "<> Importing instance from zip:" << m_zipToImport; m_mainWindow->droppedURLs({ m_zipToImport }); } } void Application::showFatalErrorMessage(const QString& title, const QString& content) { m_status = Application::Failed; auto dialog = CustomMessageBox::selectable(nullptr, title, content, QMessageBox::Critical); dialog->exec(); } Application::~Application() { // Shut down logger by setting the logger function to nothing qInstallMessageHandler(nullptr); #if defined Q_OS_WIN32 // Detach from Windows console if(consoleAttached) { fclose(stdout); fclose(stdin); fclose(stderr); FreeConsole(); } #endif } void Application::messageReceived(const QByteArray& message) { if(status() != Initialized) { qDebug() << "Received message" << message << "while still initializing. It will be ignored."; return; } ApplicationMessage received; received.parse(message); auto & command = received.command; if(command == "activate") { showMainWindow(); } else if(command == "import") { QString path = received.args["path"]; if(path.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "Received" << command << "message without a zip path/URL."; return; } m_mainWindow->droppedURLs({ QUrl(path) }); } else if(command == "launch") { QString id = received.args["id"]; QString server = received.args["server"]; QString profile = received.args["profile"]; InstancePtr instance; if(!id.isEmpty()) { instance = instances()->getInstanceById(id); if(!instance) { qWarning() << "Launch command requires an valid instance ID. " << id << "resolves to nothing."; return; } } else { qWarning() << "Launch command called without an instance ID..."; return; } MinecraftServerTargetPtr serverObject = nullptr; if(!server.isEmpty()) { serverObject = std::make_shared(MinecraftServerTarget::parse(server)); } MinecraftAccountPtr accountObject; if(!profile.isEmpty()) { accountObject = accounts()->getAccountByProfileName(profile); if(!accountObject) { qWarning() << "Launch command requires the specified profile to be valid. " << profile << "does not resolve to any account."; return; } } launch( instance, true, nullptr, serverObject, accountObject ); } else { qWarning() << "Received invalid message" << message; } } std::shared_ptr Application::translations() { return m_translations; } std::shared_ptr Application::javalist() { if (!m_javalist) { m_javalist.reset(new JavaInstallList()); } return m_javalist; } std::vector Application::getValidApplicationThemes() { std::vector ret; auto iter = m_themes.cbegin(); while (iter != m_themes.cend()) { ret.push_back((*iter).second.get()); iter++; } return ret; } void Application::setApplicationTheme(const QString& name, bool initial) { auto systemPalette = qApp->palette(); auto themeIter = m_themes.find(name); if(themeIter != m_themes.end()) { auto & theme = (*themeIter).second; theme->apply(initial); } else { qWarning() << "Tried to set invalid theme:" << name; } } void Application::setIconTheme(const QString& name) { XdgIcon::setThemeName(name); } QIcon Application::getThemedIcon(const QString& name) { if(name == "logo") { return QIcon(":/org.sneederix.SneedMC.svg"); } return XdgIcon::fromTheme(name); } bool Application::openJsonEditor(const QString &filename) { const QString file = QDir::current().absoluteFilePath(filename); if (m_settings->get("JsonEditor").toString().isEmpty()) { return DesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(file)); } else { //return DesktopServices::openFile(m_settings->get("JsonEditor").toString(), file); return DesktopServices::run(m_settings->get("JsonEditor").toString(), {file}); } } bool Application::launch( InstancePtr instance, bool online, BaseProfilerFactory *profiler, MinecraftServerTargetPtr serverToJoin, MinecraftAccountPtr accountToUse ) { if(instance->canLaunch()) { auto & extras = m_instanceExtras[instance->id()]; auto & window = extras.window; if(window) { if(!window->saveAll()) { return false; } } auto & controller = extras.controller; controller.reset(new LaunchController()); controller->setInstance(instance); controller->setOnline(online); controller->setProfiler(profiler); controller->setServerToJoin(serverToJoin); controller->setAccountToUse(accountToUse); if(window) { controller->setParentWidget(window); } else if(m_mainWindow) { controller->setParentWidget(m_mainWindow); } connect(controller.get(), &LaunchController::succeeded, this, &Application::controllerSucceeded); connect(controller.get(), &LaunchController::failed, this, &Application::controllerFailed); addRunningInstance(); controller->start(); return true; } else if (instance->isRunning()) { showInstanceWindow(instance, "console"); return true; } else if (instance->canEdit()) { showInstanceWindow(instance); return true; } return false; } bool Application::kill(InstancePtr instance) { if (!instance->isRunning()) { qWarning() << "Attempted to kill instance" << instance->id() << ", which isn't running."; return false; } auto & extras = m_instanceExtras[instance->id()]; // NOTE: copy of the shared pointer keeps it alive auto controller = extras.controller; if(controller) { return controller->abort(); } return true; } void Application::addRunningInstance() { m_runningInstances ++; } void Application::subRunningInstance() { if(m_runningInstances == 0) { qCritical() << "Something went really wrong and we now have less than 0 running instances... WTF"; return; } m_runningInstances --; } bool Application::shouldExitNow() const { return m_runningInstances == 0 && m_openWindows == 0; } void Application::controllerSucceeded() { auto controller = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); if(!controller) return; auto id = controller->id(); auto & extras = m_instanceExtras[id]; // on success, do... if (controller->instance()->settings()->get("AutoCloseConsole").toBool()) { if(extras.window) { extras.window->close(); } } extras.controller.reset(); subRunningInstance(); // quit when there are no more windows. if(shouldExitNow()) { m_status = Status::Succeeded; exit(0); } } void Application::controllerFailed(const QString& error) { Q_UNUSED(error); auto controller = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); if(!controller) return; auto id = controller->id(); auto & extras = m_instanceExtras[id]; // on failure, do... nothing extras.controller.reset(); subRunningInstance(); // quit when there are no more windows. if(shouldExitNow()) { m_status = Status::Failed; exit(1); } } void Application::ShowGlobalSettings(class QWidget* parent, QString open_page) { if(!m_globalSettingsProvider) { return; } emit globalSettingsAboutToOpen(); { SettingsObject::Lock lock(APPLICATION->settings()); PageDialog dlg(m_globalSettingsProvider.get(), open_page, parent); dlg.exec(); } emit globalSettingsClosed(); } MainWindow* Application::showMainWindow(bool minimized) { if(m_mainWindow) { m_mainWindow->setWindowState(m_mainWindow->windowState() & ~Qt::WindowMinimized); m_mainWindow->raise(); m_mainWindow->activateWindow(); } else { m_mainWindow = new MainWindow(); m_mainWindow->restoreState(QByteArray::fromBase64(APPLICATION->settings()->get("MainWindowState").toByteArray())); m_mainWindow->restoreGeometry(QByteArray::fromBase64(APPLICATION->settings()->get("MainWindowGeometry").toByteArray())); if(minimized) { m_mainWindow->showMinimized(); } else { m_mainWindow->show(); } m_mainWindow->checkInstancePathForProblems(); connect(m_mainWindow, &MainWindow::isClosing, this, &Application::on_windowClose); m_openWindows++; } return m_mainWindow; } InstanceWindow *Application::showInstanceWindow(InstancePtr instance, QString page) { if(!instance) return nullptr; auto id = instance->id(); auto & extras = m_instanceExtras[id]; auto & window = extras.window; if(window) { window->raise(); window->activateWindow(); } else { window = new InstanceWindow(instance); m_openWindows ++; connect(window, &InstanceWindow::isClosing, this, &Application::on_windowClose); } if(!page.isEmpty()) { window->selectPage(page); } if(extras.controller) { extras.controller->setParentWidget(window); } return window; } void Application::on_windowClose() { m_openWindows--; auto instWindow = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); if(instWindow) { auto & extras = m_instanceExtras[instWindow->instanceId()]; extras.window = nullptr; if(extras.controller) { extras.controller->setParentWidget(m_mainWindow); } } auto mainWindow = qobject_cast(QObject::sender()); if(mainWindow) { m_mainWindow = nullptr; } // quit when there are no more windows. if(shouldExitNow()) { exit(0); } } void Application::updateProxySettings(QString proxyTypeStr, QString addr, int port, QString user, QString password) { // Set the application proxy settings. if (proxyTypeStr == "SOCKS5") { QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy( QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy, addr, port, user, password)); } else if (proxyTypeStr == "HTTP") { QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy( QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy, addr, port, user, password)); } else if (proxyTypeStr == "None") { // If we have no proxy set, set no proxy and return. QNetworkProxy::setApplicationProxy(QNetworkProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy)); } else { // If we have "Default" selected, set Qt to use the system proxy settings. QNetworkProxyFactory::setUseSystemConfiguration(true); } qDebug() << "Detecting proxy settings..."; QNetworkProxy proxy = QNetworkProxy::applicationProxy(); m_network->setProxy(proxy); QString proxyDesc; if (proxy.type() == QNetworkProxy::NoProxy) { qDebug() << "Using no proxy is an option!"; return; } switch (proxy.type()) { case QNetworkProxy::DefaultProxy: proxyDesc = "Default proxy: "; break; case QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy: proxyDesc = "Socks5 proxy: "; break; case QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy: proxyDesc = "HTTP proxy: "; break; case QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy: proxyDesc = "HTTP caching: "; break; case QNetworkProxy::FtpCachingProxy: proxyDesc = "FTP caching: "; break; default: proxyDesc = "DERP proxy: "; break; } proxyDesc += QString("%1:%2") .arg(proxy.hostName()) .arg(proxy.port()); qDebug() << proxyDesc; } shared_qobject_ptr< HttpMetaCache > Application::metacache() { return m_metacache; } shared_qobject_ptr Application::network() { return m_network; } shared_qobject_ptr Application::metadataIndex() { if (!m_metadataIndex) { m_metadataIndex.reset(new Meta::Index()); } return m_metadataIndex; } QString Application::getJarsPath() { if(m_jarsPath.isEmpty()) { return FS::PathCombine(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath(), "jars"); } return m_jarsPath; } QString Application::getMSAClientID() { QString clientIDOverride = m_settings->get("MSAClientIDOverride").toString(); if (!clientIDOverride.isEmpty()) { return clientIDOverride; } return BuildConfig.MSA_CLIENT_ID; }