CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.6) # In Qt 5.1+ we have our own main() function, don't autolink to qtmain on Windows cmake_policy(SET CMP0020 OLD) project(unpack200) # Find ZLIB for quazip # Use system zlib on unix and Qt ZLIB on Windows IF(UNIX) find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED) ELSE(UNIX) get_filename_component (ZLIB_FOUND_DIR "${Qt5Core_DIR}/../../../include/QtZlib" ABSOLUTE) SET(ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS ${ZLIB_FOUND_DIR} CACHE PATH "Path to ZLIB headers of Qt") SET(ZLIB_LIBRARIES "") IF(NOT EXISTS "${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}/zlib.h") MESSAGE("Please specify a valid zlib include dir") ENDIF(NOT EXISTS "${ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIRS}/zlib.h") ENDIF(UNIX) SET(PACK200_SRC include/unpack200.h src/bands.cpp src/bands.h src/bytes.cpp src/bytes.h src/coding.cpp src/coding.h src/constants.h src/defines.h src/unpack200.cpp src/unpack.cpp src/unpack.h src/utils.cpp src/utils.h src/zip.cpp src/zip.h ) include_directories(include) add_library(unpack200 STATIC ${PACK200_SRC}) IF(UNIX) target_link_libraries(unpack200 ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES}) ELSE() # zlib is part of Qt on windows. use it. QT5_USE_MODULES(unpack200 Core) ENDIF() add_executable(anti200 anti200.cpp) target_link_libraries(anti200 unpack200)