/* Copyright 2013 MultiMC Contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "DownloadUpdateTask.h" #include "MultiMC.h" #include "logic/updater/UpdateChecker.h" #include "logic/net/NetJob.h" #include "pathutils.h" #include #include #include #include DownloadUpdateTask::DownloadUpdateTask(QString repoUrl, int versionId, QObject* parent) : Task(parent) { m_cVersionId = MMC->version().build; m_nRepoUrl = repoUrl; m_nVersionId = versionId; m_updateFilesDir.setAutoRemove(false); } void DownloadUpdateTask::executeTask() { // GO! // This will call the next step when it's done. findCurrentVersionInfo(); } void DownloadUpdateTask::findCurrentVersionInfo() { setStatus(tr("Finding information about the current version.")); auto checker = MMC->updateChecker(); // This runs after we've tried loading the channel list. // If the channel list doesn't need to be loaded, this will be called immediately. // If the channel list does need to be loaded, this will be called when it's done. auto processFunc = [this, &checker] () -> void { // Now, check the channel list again. if (checker->hasChannels()) { // We still couldn't load the channel list. Give up. Call loadVersionInfo and return. QLOG_INFO() << "Reloading the channel list didn't work. Giving up."; loadVersionInfo(); return; } QList channels = checker->getChannelList(); QString channelId = MMC->version().channel; // Search through the channel list for a channel with the correct ID. for (auto channel : channels) { if (channel.id == channelId) { QLOG_INFO() << "Found matching channel."; m_cRepoUrl = channel.url; break; } } // Now that we've done that, load version info. loadVersionInfo(); }; if (checker->hasChannels()) { // Load the channel list and wait for it to finish loading. QLOG_INFO() << "No channel list entries found. Will try reloading it."; QObject::connect(checker.get(), &UpdateChecker::channelListLoaded, processFunc); checker->updateChanList(); } else { processFunc(); } } void DownloadUpdateTask::loadVersionInfo() { setStatus(tr("Loading version information.")); // Create the net job for loading version info. NetJob* netJob = new NetJob("Version Info"); // Find the index URL. QUrl newIndexUrl = QUrl(m_nRepoUrl).resolved(QString::number(m_nVersionId) + ".json"); // Add a net action to download the version info for the version we're updating to. netJob->addNetAction(ByteArrayDownload::make(newIndexUrl)); // If we have a current version URL, get that one too. if (!m_cRepoUrl.isEmpty()) { QUrl cIndexUrl = QUrl(m_cRepoUrl).resolved(QString::number(m_cVersionId) + ".json"); netJob->addNetAction(ByteArrayDownload::make(cIndexUrl)); } // Connect slots so we know when it's done. QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::succeeded, this, &DownloadUpdateTask::vinfoDownloadFinished); QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::failed, this, &DownloadUpdateTask::vinfoDownloadFailed); // Store the NetJob in a class member. We don't want to lose it! m_vinfoNetJob.reset(netJob); // Finally, we start the network job and the thread's event loop to wait for it to finish. netJob->start(); } void DownloadUpdateTask::vinfoDownloadFinished() { // Both downloads succeeded. OK. Parse stuff. parseDownloadedVersionInfo(); } void DownloadUpdateTask::vinfoDownloadFailed() { // Something failed. We really need the second download (current version info), so parse downloads anyways as long as the first one succeeded. if (m_vinfoNetJob->first()->m_status != Job_Failed) { parseDownloadedVersionInfo(); return; } // TODO: Give a more detailed error message. QLOG_ERROR() << "Failed to download version info files."; emitFailed(tr("Failed to download version info files.")); } void DownloadUpdateTask::parseDownloadedVersionInfo() { setStatus(tr("Reading file lists.")); parseVersionInfo(NEW_VERSION, &m_nVersionFileList); // If there is a second entry in the network job's list, load it as the current version's info. if (m_vinfoNetJob->size() >= 2 && m_vinfoNetJob->operator[](1)->m_status != Job_Failed) { parseVersionInfo(CURRENT_VERSION, &m_cVersionFileList); } // We don't need this any more. m_vinfoNetJob.reset(); // Now that we're done loading version info, we can move on to the next step. Process file lists and download files. processFileLists(); } void DownloadUpdateTask::parseVersionInfo(VersionInfoFileEnum vfile, VersionFileList* list) { if (vfile == CURRENT_VERSION) setStatus(tr("Reading file list for current version.")); else if (vfile == NEW_VERSION) setStatus(tr("Reading file list for new version.")); QLOG_DEBUG() << "Reading file list for" << (vfile == NEW_VERSION ? "new" : "current") << "version."; QByteArray data; { ByteArrayDownloadPtr dl = std::dynamic_pointer_cast( vfile == NEW_VERSION ? m_vinfoNetJob->first() : m_vinfoNetJob->operator[](1)); data = dl->m_data; } QJsonParseError jsonError; QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data, &jsonError); if (jsonError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) { QLOG_ERROR() << "Failed to parse version info JSON:" << jsonError.errorString() << "at" << jsonError.offset; return; } QJsonObject json = jsonDoc.object(); QLOG_DEBUG() << "Loading version info from JSON."; QJsonArray filesArray = json.value("Files").toArray(); for (QJsonValue fileValue : filesArray) { QJsonObject fileObj = fileValue.toObject(); VersionFileEntry file{ fileObj.value("Path").toString(), fileObj.value("Perms").toVariant().toInt(), FileSourceList(), fileObj.value("MD5").toString(), }; QLOG_DEBUG() << "File" << file.path << "with perms" << file.mode; QJsonArray sourceArray = fileObj.value("Sources").toArray(); for (QJsonValue val : sourceArray) { QJsonObject sourceObj = val.toObject(); QString type = sourceObj.value("SourceType").toString(); if (type == "http") { file.sources.append(FileSource("http", sourceObj.value("Url").toString())); } else if (type == "httpc") { file.sources.append(FileSource("httpc", sourceObj.value("Url").toString(), sourceObj.value("CompressionType").toString())); } else { QLOG_WARN() << "Unknown source type" << type << "ignored."; } } QLOG_DEBUG() << "Loaded info for" << file.path; list->append(file); } } void DownloadUpdateTask::processFileLists() { setStatus(tr("Processing file lists. Figuring out how to install the update.")); // First, if we've loaded the current version's file list, we need to iterate through it and // delete anything in the current one version's list that isn't in the new version's list. for (VersionFileEntry entry : m_cVersionFileList) { for (VersionFileEntry newEntry : m_nVersionFileList) { if (newEntry.path == entry.path) continue; } // If the loop reaches the end, we didn't find a match. Delete the file. m_operationList.append(UpdateOperation::DeleteOp(entry.path)); } // Create a network job for downloading files. NetJob* netJob = new NetJob("Update Files"); // Next, check each file in MultiMC's folder and see if we need to update them. for (VersionFileEntry entry : m_nVersionFileList) { // TODO: Let's not MD5sum a ton of files on the GUI thread. We should probably find a way to do this in the background. QString fileMD5; QFile entryFile(entry.path); if (entryFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QCryptographicHash hash(QCryptographicHash::Md5); hash.addData(entryFile.readAll()); fileMD5 = hash.result().toHex(); } if (!entryFile.exists() || fileMD5.isEmpty() || fileMD5 != entry.md5) { QLOG_DEBUG() << "Found file" << entry.path << "that needs updating."; // Go through the sources list and find one to use. // TODO: Make a NetAction that takes a source list and tries each of them until one works. For now, we'll just use the first http one. for (FileSource source : entry.sources) { if (source.type == "http") { QLOG_DEBUG() << "Will download" << entry.path << "from" << source.url; // Download it to updatedir/- where filepath is the file's path with slashes replaced by underscores. QString dlPath = PathCombine(m_updateFilesDir.path(), QString(entry.path).replace("/", "_")); // We need to download the file to the updatefiles folder and add a task to copy it to its install path. FileDownloadPtr download = FileDownload::make(source.url, dlPath); download->m_check_md5 = true; download->m_expected_md5 = entry.md5; netJob->addNetAction(download); // Now add a copy operation to our operations list to install the file. m_operationList.append(UpdateOperation::CopyOp(dlPath, entry.path, entry.mode)); } } } } // Add listeners to wait for the downloads to finish. QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::succeeded, this, &DownloadUpdateTask::fileDownloadFinished); QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::progress, this, &DownloadUpdateTask::fileDownloadProgressChanged); QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::failed, this, &DownloadUpdateTask::fileDownloadFailed); // Now start the download. setStatus(tr("Downloading %1 update files.").arg(QString::number(netJob->size()))); QLOG_DEBUG() << "Begin downloading update files to" << m_updateFilesDir.path(); m_filesNetJob.reset(netJob); netJob->start(); writeInstallScript(m_operationList, PathCombine(m_updateFilesDir.path(), "file_list.xml")); } void DownloadUpdateTask::writeInstallScript(UpdateOperationList& opsList, QString scriptFile) { // Build the base structure of the XML document. QDomDocument doc; QDomElement root = doc.createElement("update"); root.setAttribute("version", "3"); doc.appendChild(root); QDomElement installFiles = doc.createElement("install"); root.appendChild(installFiles); QDomElement removeFiles = doc.createElement("uninstall"); root.appendChild(removeFiles); // Write the operation list to the XML document. for (UpdateOperation op : opsList) { QDomElement file = doc.createElement("file"); switch (op.type) { case UpdateOperation::OP_COPY: { // Install the file. QDomElement name = doc.createElement("source"); QDomElement path = doc.createElement("dest"); QDomElement mode = doc.createElement("mode"); name.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(op.file)); path.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(op.dest)); // We need to add a 0 at the beginning here, because Qt doesn't convert to octal correctly. mode.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("0" + QString::number(op.mode, 8))); file.appendChild(name); file.appendChild(path); file.appendChild(mode); installFiles.appendChild(file); QLOG_DEBUG() << "Will install file" << op.file; } break; case UpdateOperation::OP_DELETE: { // Delete the file. file.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(op.file)); removeFiles.appendChild(file); QLOG_DEBUG() << "Will remove file" << op.file; } break; default: QLOG_WARN() << "Can't write update operation of type" << op.type << "to file. Not implemented."; continue; } } // Write the XML document to the file. QFile outFile(scriptFile); if (outFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { outFile.write(doc.toByteArray()); } else { emitFailed(tr("Failed to write update script file.")); } } void DownloadUpdateTask::fileDownloadFinished() { emitSucceeded(); } void DownloadUpdateTask::fileDownloadFailed() { // TODO: Give more info about the failure. QLOG_ERROR() << "Failed to download update files."; emitFailed(tr("Failed to download update files.")); } void DownloadUpdateTask::fileDownloadProgressChanged(qint64 current, qint64 total) { setProgress((int)(((float)current / (float)total)*100)); }